
The saddest thing is that you don’t’ believe the happened fact and still live in the past!


At the Prague first hospital, Natalie and Mrs. Lin continue to tell the past story to Olga.

“After Mrs. Lin signed the heart donation agreement, due to urgency, the cardiac surgeon quickly arranged the heart transplant operation in the same day evening. Katherine is one year older than Olga. Her blood type is same with Olga. They are almost same height and with similar body shape so the heart size of Katherine fits for Olga. The operation takes about 10 hours and successfully. Katherine’s heart began to beat in the Olga’s body. And the doctors and nurses in the operating room are glad with this successful operation.  Olga needs very long time to recover her health and energy so she and Natalie stayed in the hospital.

After finished the necessary processes with Australia police, the hospital burned Katherine’s body and Mrs. Lin planted to fly back to Taiwan very soon. Because she couldn’t bear any pains more in any longer time, she just wanted to take Katherine bone ash home as soon as possible. Before she left, she went to see Olga and Natalie. Olga was still in her recovering period and slept deeply.  Mrs. Lin just told her lightly: “Be brave my daughter! Live with Olga with your love. If the fate will give us any chances, I will see again you in the future! “(Even though she and Natalie said, Olga will be the daughter of Mrs. Lin too, she clearly know it’s better not to contact to disturb Olga’s future life). Then Mrs. Lin held Natalie’s hands said: “Take good care of yourself and our daughter. Katherine had a wish to become a doctor. If possible, please educate Olga to be a doctor to help more people. This will make Katherine’s heat and life more meaningful. You don’t need to tell Olga about this heart transplant surgery. Also I will not contact you anymore. But if in case any urgent things happened in the future please inform me, we will try our best to help Olga. I will not tell Akira and Karolina about this heart transplant surgery.” After this short conversation, they hugged each other and said goodbye to each other. “

Natalie and Mr. Lin tell Olga:” If not because Akira came here and met you, for protecting you, maybe in their whole life, we won’t contact each other.” Now finally Olga knows why she has this special connection with Akira in the dreams, because she had the heart from Katherine and her dreams actually were the ones of Katherine.

In the operating room, the surgery of Akira seems not so smoothly. His heart beating becomes weaker and weaker and his eyes having tears. It seems he is in a very sad dream.

In Akira’s dream, he lived in a life like a zombie and waiting for Mrs. Lin to take Katherine back. Actually it will be only the bone ash of Katherine. From the first day of Katherine’s accident until now, Akira hasn’t cried because he didn’t believe Katherine died already. He still believes Mrs. Lin will take Katherine back.

On that day when Katherine, Mrs. Lin and Karoline came back Taiwan, Akira stood outside at the airport arrival exit waiting for Katherine. He still think Katherine will come back but he only saw Mrs. Lin, Karolina and an ashes urn with a photo of Katherine. He still didn’t cry. It seemed he is too sad to cry already.  He just run to Karolina and take over the ashes urn from Karolina’s hands then said: “My Katherine, I am here to take you home, you are in my arms already” then they took the car home.

It’s a long way to the south of Taiwan to Katherine’s home. Akira still worried Katherine couldn’t see anything on the way. He still talked to the ash urn and told Katherine where they are. “Katherine now we are in the high way in Taichung. Do you see there is a very big rice field? The farmers are harvesting the rice. Katherine, do you see the beautiful pinky clouds in the sky? Now is in the sunset already. We will arrive home soon.” Akira kept talking the ash urn.

At the Prague first hospital, Olga asks Mrs. Lin why she became the mother in law of Akira. Mrs. Lin answers:” Before the funeral of Katherine, Akira decided to marriage Katherine and hold a ghost marriage wedding to show Katherine his love. This is a special custom in China and Taiwan. The person who is still alive in the world marries the spirit tablet of the dead person who he or she loves then let the person died can have a good ending to continue their next life in the heaven. After the ghost marriage, we also adopted Akira so he became my son in law.

Till the end of the funeral, we all hadn’t seen Akira cred a single time.  He said” If I would cry then Katherine will worry about me, and couldn’t let go her love and sadness in this life, then she couldn’t go to heaven for her another new life.” But we all worried about Akira very much. We thought he will be sick in this extremely sad situation without crying to release his sadness. “



This is the crossroad where Akira had the car accident

In Akira’s dream, before school begins, Akira needs to go back to Taipei to clean up Katherine’s room and sent back all her personal belongs to her parents. So he traveled alone back to school. When he arrived, at Katherine’s flat, everything was still there, clothes, hats, shoes, photos with Akira, and her smell is still in the air. This scene really made Akira confused again. Did Katherine really die already? Everything is still here, nothing changed. “No, No, I don’t believe she died already. I even didn’t say “I love you!” to her yet. She will come back. She will come back.“ Akira kept talking to himself. Akira seemed already going mad and couldn’t control himself.

Akira put all the Katherine’s things into cartons. But after a while he took all the things out. “No, No, Katherine will come back, if I put away her belongs, she will be very sad.”  Akira just did this putting in and taking out on and off, on and off again and again until he was completely exhausted and felt onto the bed.

At the Prague first hospital, in the operating room, Akira’s heartbeat becomes weaker and weaker almost stops.  This makes the operation become very dangerous for Akira. The cardiac surgeon is very nervous but he needs to continue the surgery to save Akira’s life.  

 (To be continued)   




    布拉格 愛情小說 Prague
    創作者 童話屋主人 的頭像


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