Olga uses her hands to wipe off the sweat on her forehead. She feels extremely tired and suddenly found that her eyes are full of tears. She feels very strange and asks herself why? Why I had this kind of strong sad feeling in my mind and lose my professional calm during the first aid? “I even don’t know who he is? And he is a foreigner from very far Asia.” She feels very uneasy and can’t explain to herself the reason why.

When the nurse tries to register this patient into the hospital registration system, nobody knows who this patient is. No passport no any other ID document is with him. No wallet is in his pocket to show any information about his identity. The ambulance nurse said that the driver who hit Akira escaped from the accident scene. The police now is tracking the clue to know who Akira is.

Due to been seriously injured on the head and brain, even though Akira’s heart began to beat, he is still in a deep coma condition. Olga has no choice to keep Akira in the emergency department Intensive care unit. Now Akira lives on the emergency life sustaining system. His heart is beating but he lost his consciousness.

Before Olga finishing her job, she goes to see the status of Akira. And again the very strong sad feeling attacks her mind and her eyes suddenly are full tears. At this moment, one nurse comes to Olga and brings her a postcard. She says “Police found this postcard at the car accident scene and would like us to keep it. When this patient recovers his consciousness we can use this to ask him who he is. Maybe he will remember something with this postcard.” Olga takes the postcard and has a look on it. Suddenly her body trembles. Brisbane golden coast! This postcard painted by my mother! Olga says it loudly! Why this person brought a postcard painted by my mother? At this moment, the electrocardiograph shows Akira’s heart beating stronger. It seems Akira can hear what Olga said. All these coincidences make Olga feel more uneasy and anxious and she begins to have fear in her mind. She can’t wait to go home to tell her mother about this strange thing.

After arrived home, Olga tells her mother what happened during the day. Olga’s mother –Natalie is a travel artist. She has traveled to very many counties and painted many artworks. She sold many of her artworks to a postcard company to print postcard. This postcard of Brisbane golden coast is one of her artworks. When Olga was still a child, she often traveled with her mother. So Olga likes travel and like arts same as her mother. And Brisbane is one of the cities where they ever visited together. But the trip staying in Brisbane was not a good experience for both Olga and Natalie because Olga almost died there in a very serious car accident. Natalie tried very hard to make Olga forget that horrible memory. So she never talked about it again after they came back from the Australia trip. This time is the same. Natalie says to Olga “It’s only a coincidence nothing special “and asks Olga to take a shower and to sleep earlier. Natalie doesn’t want to touch anything which can make Olga remember anything in Australia.

In the bathroom, Olga looks at her body, on her left chest there is a very big scar caused by the car accident in Brisbane. Natalie told her this was injured by a serious hit by the car drove from the other side of the road. But Olga couldn’t remember anything about the car accident because she was in a coma condition about 1 month. When she tried to remember something about this car accident her brain begins to feel hurt. So Olga also tried to forget this nightmare in her life.

Lying on the bed, Olga fall asleep very soon because she had a very tired and exhausted day. But her brain brings her into dream about her childhood.

During the night, in the Prague first hospital, in the emergency department Intensive care unit, Akira’s heart begins to beat stronger and stronger. His brain brings him back to very long time ago. In the dream, there is a young girl in Taiwan who is studying very hard to prepare the entrance exam of the university. The girl’s dream is to become a doctor because her father is a very famous doctor in this city but to pass the entrance exams for medicine faculty in any university is very difficult. So she is under very much stress and makes her healthy situation become very worse. One month right before the entrance exam, she got ill seriously. After she recovered from the illness, her eyesight became very poor. But she still insists to study very hard to prepare the entrance exams. Finally the exams finished, but she failed to get good marks to enter the medicine faculty for any universities. But she can attend the faculty of nursing in a university. The girl still decided to attend that nursing faculty of that university. Because she doesn’t know when her eyesight will be totally lost and become blind.

The university is in Taipei the capital city of Taiwan. The girl lives in the south of Taiwan which is very far away from Taipei. So the girl’s mother worries very much about her daughter to study in this far university alone with her poor eyesight. So before school begins, the mother requests some assistance from university. But to protect her daughter, she didn’t say anything about her daughter’s poor eyesight. She just says that her daughter’s healthy situation is not good, and she needs to see doctor very often and she needs someone to go to hospital with her when needed. Fortunately, this university has a special charity organization which formed by some kind students in this university. So school assigned a health assistant for her daughter.

The school opening day, because of her poor eyesight, the girl’s father and mother drive her from south of Taiwan to Taipei. They help her to find where the school dormitory is and try to help her to settle down everything. Even though they worry very much about their daughter, they know before her eyes totally blind, the best gift for her is to let her see more about this world. So they decide to let her fly by herself.

The first lesson day, early in the morning, the girl is worrying about how to find her class room in this big university with her poor eyesight. She is shy to tell anyone that she is not able to see things clearly in a longer distance. She is standing in front of the gate of female student dormitory and trying very hard to see the map of this university. At this moment a sunny boy comes to her with a shy smile says: Hi I am Akira! You must be Katherine. I am your health assistant!  Right at the same time, Olga wakes up from her dream because she heard a very clear voice from her heart “Hi I am Akira! You must be Katherine.” (To be continued)


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