Having big fear in her mind, Olga gets off from her bed and runs to her mother’s room. Mom! Mom! I had a very strange nightmare. I heard a man- Akira called me Katherine in the dream. I heard it clearly just like he called me next to me. Mom, do you know who is Akira? Natalie says: My girl, it was just a dream. Don’t think too much. Olga asks again, Mom do you know who is Katherine? Natalie has a strange expression on her face, stops about 5 seconds but she still says to Olga: my girl it’s just a dream. Please don’t think too much. Natalie walks together with Olga back to her room. Gives Olga a warm hug with kissing on her cheek says good night! Sleep tight my sweetheart.

The next day morning, Olga goes to work as usual but she goes to check the status of Akira first. She asks the duty nurse: Any special status happened last night for the patient from the car accident? The duty nurse says” Nothing special happened. But his heart beats in an unstable way sometimes very fast sometimes very slow. It seems he was in a nightmare. After the duty nurse left, Olga has an idea coming to her mind. She sits next to Akira and holds his left hand asking “Who are you? Are you Akira? “. At this moment, Akira’s heart beats faster and in his eyes with tears. Olga feels very shock and also her heart beats very faster too but she doesn’t know why?

During the working time, when Olga has time, she comes to see Akira and talks to him. She tries to find out the reason why Akira and herself have this same special reaction. But it’s really very strange every time when Olga talks to Akira both of their hearts beating faster and in Akira’s eyes always have tears. Olga begins to feel that she likes to talk to Akira but she also feel scary about this very strange situation because it couldn’t be explained by science or by the professional training she has ever had. Before the end of her work, Olga comes to say goodbye to Akira, but this time the very strange thing happened, Olga herself suddenly has a very hurt feeling in her heart and burst out crying. She holds the hand of Akira carrying for about 10 minutes, at the same time, Akira also has tears full of his eyes. After Olga stops crying, she left the hospital with a very sad mood with a very exhausted body. And Akira begins to dream again..

Olga arrives home but directly goes to sleep silently without saying anything to her mother because she would like to get into the dream to know who the man is in her dream calling her Katherine.  

Every day when she arrives home, the first thing she does is going to painting studio to talk to her mother --Natalie but today she does not do it. Natalie stays in her painting workshop and looking at the oil painting of Brisbane golden coast. She seems also thinking about something very painful for her life and forgets the dinnertime.

In the hospital, Akira again is flying back to the past in his dream. He took Katherine to her classroom and introduced her everything about the campus and the life in this university. With the detail explanations of Akira, Katherine felt better and not worried that much.  After the lessons, Akira again stood in front of the classroom. Hi Katherine this is your first school day, let’s find a good restaurant to celebrate the beginning of your university life. Katherine smiled and happily said of course. Actually in her mind, she really doesn’t know what and where to eat for dinner with her poor eyesight. Akira’s appearance really solved a big problem for her. They had the first dinner happily. Akira told Katherine why he joined this charity organization. He said when he entered this university he felt very lost about living alone without aim in his life. After he began to help people then he felt that his life changed. Katherine told Akira how difficult she had prepared for the entering exams of this university but she didn’t mentioned about anything of her serious sickness and her poor eyesight. She happily told Akira that she would also want to join this charity organization to help people in the future.  After they finish the dinner, Akira tried very hard to find the enough money to pay this big dinner. But Katherine took out a credit golden card and said can I pay for this dinner? Because my father prepared this unlimited credit card for me and I want to try if it works. Akira was a poor young man even though he felt embarrassed, he accepted to let Katherine to try her “unlimited “credit card. More ever Katherine had a very special request for paying this dinner. She said” This is my first time using credit card. I feel scary and can you hold my hand walking together to the casher counter to pay it?” Akira felt very strange and shy about this special request. He stood up and gave his right hand to Katherine politely and said beautiful girl should we go to pay the dinner together? Katherine put her right hand on it with smile and said “It’s my pleasure” then they walked together with a very special sweet feelings in their mind to pay the dinner. Akira did not know why he could have this special chance to hold this beautiful girl’s hand. Actually, it was just because Katherine couldn’t see where the cashier counter is. After dinner, they walked together back to the female dormitory. Before Akira left, he said “ Next time if you feel scary about something, I am willing to let you hold my hand again”.  Katherine nod her head with blush of shy. She knows she needs this kind young man to help her for future school life and she felt safe staying with him.

That night Olga did not wake up with nightmare. On the contrary, she slept sweetly until next morning. She felt a warm big hand hold her hand in her dream and she held this hand tightly too.

    布拉格 愛情小說 Prague
    創作者 童話屋主人 的頭像


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