

There is saying in Taiwan: “If you live in a too happy life, sometimes even the god will also envy you! “


Olga is a very beautiful nice girl born in Belarus. She immigrated to Czech with her parents when she was 6 years old. She is tall, slim and have very good looking which all men walk by will turn their head back to see her again and again. She never feels proud of her looking. On the contrary, because of being immigration, she studied harder than the same age students. Her parents educated her strictly so she was always at the top 3 places in school study performance. But she is not a happy girl. She doesn’t like to talk and only pay very much attention on studying. She likes painting like her mother. She is very good at skiing like her father. When she began to work in the emergency department, on her desk always has flowers from the admirers not only from hospital colleagues but also from the patients who she ever saved. But she never felt interested in any man, she just concentrated on her work because it’s an emergency first aid job.

Nobody has very seen her smile happily like this way when she talks to Akira. People begin to discuss more and more in the hospital about who is the lucky patient. Some nurses asked Olga why do you like this patient in coma and buy flowers for him every morning. Olga just said because I knew him when I studied in the university and he took care of me very much. But nobody believes this answer. People just thought because Olga couldn’t save Akira at the first aid and let him become coma so she felt guilty and would to do something for Akira as compensation. Also some people said Olga went mad already.

Olga tries to help Akira recover from coma. She discussed the situation with neurosurgeon to see any possibility to have a neurosurgery for Akira to remove the gore form his brain. But without any signature of Akira’s family on the surgery agreement, no any doctors can have any surgery on Akira’s brain. Olga feels very frustrated stuck in this terrible situation. She worries very much if Akira is in the coma situation too long then he will become in Persistent Vegetative State forever.

Olga asked help from her psychology professor in her university. They have coffee together in the hospital restaurant. Olga told her professor about the situation and the strange connections with Akira in the dreams. Olga consults her professor why there is a special connection between her and Akira. Professor says: “Maybe both of you have same unforgettable memory in the last life. And you met together coincidentally to trigger this unforgettable memory in your last life.” What is unforgettable memory in our last life?” Olga asks. Professor says: “In some real cases, if the couple suddenly lost their lover with an unfinished wish then this kind of memories will keep in both of the lovers’ minds even after they died.” Olga asks:” Can this unforgettable memory last till next life?” Professor says: “Some real cases proved the answer is yes. Especially if one of the lovers is still alive and keeps the extremely sad memory then she or he can feel some connections from the other world through dreams.”

How can I help Akira to wake up from coma? Olga asks. Try to find all the things which he is familiar with in his life and talk to him. It can stimulate his nerve and brain. If you can know what that unforgettable memory is then you can use it to wake up him. Professor said. This conversation reminds Olga about the post card of the Brisbane beach. She decides to ask Akira why he held the post card of Brisbane beach the next day.



The next day, Olga comes to hospital very early. She buys some flowers for Akira as usual then she holds Akira’s hand asks him: “Why did you hold the post card of Brisbane beach? Was there any unforgettable memory for you at Brisbane beach?” Again tears well from Akira’s eyes and his fingers move a bit. But then his breaths and heartbeat become weaker and weaker almost stops. It seems Akira doesn’t want to live anymore. This strange reaction form Akira scared Olga. She injects a cardiac into Akira’s blood vessel immediately. With this strong reaction from Akira, Olga dares not to try anything to stimulate Akira anymore. She just keeps holding Akira’s hands until his heartbeat becomes stable. But from this experience, Olga knows that the Brisbane beach must be a very sad place for Akira.

After 2 days, the police come to hospital and tell Olga they found the information of Akira from a hotel near the Charles bridge and knew that Akira is from Taiwan. But from the registration address, they couldn’t find any family of Akira because Akira lives alone without any family. And they found a postcard in Akira’s baggage. The receiver of that postcard is Katherine. After they checked the address on the postcard, strangely enough that receiver’s address is a cemetery. So the police couldn’t find any clue to find Akira’s family. Police told Olga that they have no choice to let Akira stay in the hospital until the Taiwan embassy finds his family.

After Olga arrived home, she feels very exhausted. She goes to see her mother in the painting studio and asks help from her mom. “Mom…Can you tell me how to help Akira. He will die if we don’t find his family to sign the agreement of operation and conduct a neurosurgery soon for Akira to remove the gore in his brain. He will die…He will die! Olga can’t control herself anymore just crying loudly “I don’t want to lose him again……, I don’t want to lose him again” until she falls asleep exhaustedly.

(To be continued)

    布拉格 愛情小說 Prague

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