Early in the morning Olga was woken up by an English conversation form her mother’s painting studio. “Mrs. Lin, this is Natalie from Czech. Do you still remember me? I am so sorry to disturb you after so many years. But our daughter needs your help! Could you come to Prague immediately….”  Olga feels very curious and strange about whom her mother is talking with. She does not remember that her mother has any friends from Asia called Mrs. Lin and she has not heard her mother speaking English for very many years already. She pretends sleeping until Natalie finishes her phone conversation. Olga found that her mother has a big secret but why did her mother say “Our daughter”?  “Did I have another mother?” Olga talks to herself.

Natalie comes to wake up Olga, My sweetheart, did you feel better? You will be late for work. It’s time to wake up. Olga stretching her arms and says good morning mom. I feel better already. I should hurry up, otherwise I will be late to buy some flowers for Akira then she jumps up and walk to bathroom. Natalie looks at Olga’s bank and thinks in her mind “My girl really fell in love with Akira already. I don’t believe this special connection really exists”

After 2 days, one Asian woman comes to Olga’s hospital with Natalie. Natalie introduces Olga to Mrs. Lin says: this is our daughter. Mrs. Lin looks at Olga and touches her head says: You grew up already and I am very happy that you really become a good doctor. Then Mrs. Lin hugs Olga for a very long time with tears in her eyes. Olga also feels a very familiar feeling in her mind too but she doesn’t know why. Then Natalie introduces Mrs. Lin to Olga and says: “She is the mother in law of Akira. She will sign the operation agreement for Akira and she will pay all the operation expenses for Akira. Olga says: “Mum, you knew Akira’s mother?  Why didn’t you help him earlier and just let Akira lying there without any help” But Natalie doesn’t want to explain anything more. Natalie says to Olga: Let’s prepare everything for Akira’s operation first. After Akira wakes up, you will understand everything. Even though Olga has very many doubts in her mind, she feels very happy that Akira can have a chance to survive and recover from coma.

It’s a very difficult neurosurgery and the possibility to fail is also very high. Akira may recover after this neurosurgery but also may die in it if something wrong. After preparing for 2 days, the operation is ready for Akira. Two Nurses deliver Akira into the operation room. Mrs. Lin, Olga and Natalie are waiting outside. On the operating table, Akira is still in a coma. In his dream he is flying back to school with Katherine.



After Katherine moved to same floor apartment with Akira, their life becomes very close and sweet. They have breakfast together then go to school together every day. After school, Katherine tries to cook dinner for Akira because Akira needs to work to earn money for his living expenses. After Akira comes back from work, they have dinner together then study together. They enjoy this close and sweet life very much. Akira is just like the shadow of Katherine. They stick to each other all the time. Time in the sweet life flying very fast, very soon winter vacation is coming.

One day, Katherine tells Akira that her best friend who grew up together will come to visit her.  Her name is Karolina. She is living in Australia. Karolina immigrated with her parents to Australia when she was 14 years old. Now in Australia is summer. Karolina will come to Taiwan to stay 2 weeks then Karolina will take me to Australia to spend summer vacation with her there.

Akira feels happy that an old friend of Katherine will come to visit them. It can make Katherine very happy but he worries about that Katherine will go to Australia with Karolina to spend her winter vacation in the summer of southern earth because he won’t be able to see Katherine for very long time but after Katherine tells one thing to Akira, he decided to support Katherine for this trip. Katherine says: “Doctor said my eyes can become blind after years. I would like to see this world more before I become blind. Please let me fulfill my wish.” Akira hugs Katherine and say: I don’t have money to go with you but I will support your trip from my mind. But can you ask your mother to go with you then I will feel better that one more person can take care of you. Katherine says no problem, my mother will be very happy to trip to Australia with me.

Karolina arrives Taipei after 1 week. Akira and Katherine go to welcome her at the airport then they begin the 2 weeks trip in Taiwan. The final destination is Gaoxiong --the city in the south of Taiwan where Karolina and Katherine grew up together.

Karolina is same age with Katherine. They studied in the same school until she immigrated to Australia. Now she is studying in the Melbourne University in the biology engineering faulty. In the future she wants to a scientist of genetic engineering to help her father in the medicine research. Their fathers were classmates when they studied in the Taiwan best medicine university. So both of their family are very good friends. Before Karolina takes Katherine to Australia for summer vacation, she would like to visit Katherine’s parents because she brings many gifts for them from her parents. Katherine’s parents treat Karolina like their own daughter.

Karolina stays at Katherine’s for 1 week and they have endless topics to talk from their childhood to the new university life. Of course, they talk about their boyfriends. They sleep together and stay together all day long almost forget Akira. But Akira is happy that Katherine can have this so good time with her best friends. And he begins to work for his winter vacation part time job as a milk factor porter like last summer.

One week left, Katherine, Katherine’s mother and Karolina are leaving to the airport to Australia. But Akira needs to work, so he can’t see them off at the airport. He wakes up very early going to Katherine’s home to say goodbye to them. How he wishes he could fly with them, but he doesn’t have money to travel abroad.


Akira hugs Katherine in front of their big house with tears in his eyes, but because Katherine’s mother and Karolina are standing there too. So he feels shy to say any sweet words for goodbye. He just says: “Enjoy the trip. Take care and come back safely. If you have time, please send me some postcards” Then he gets onto his motorbike riding to work. The cold wind of winter morning is blowing on Akira’s face. His tears are flying in the wind. He cries and says in his mind: “I love you my love. How I wish you could stay with me not go”

Katherine standing at the same place waves her hand until she couldn’t see Akira. In her mind she says: “My love, I am sorry for my long trip abroad not spending Christmas and your birthday with you but why you still don’t say “I love you” even I will travel to so far oversea country”

(To be continued)


    布拉格 愛情小說 Prague

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