Akira is a gentle and shy young man. Staying with him just like the spring breeze softly blows on your face --warm and nice.

Even though he has been together with Katherine for one and half years already, he has never said: “I love you” to Katherine. He just took care of Katherine in a calm and soft way. Always makes Katherine feel warm and peaceful. But Katherine often complains to him: Why have you never said “I love you” to me? I like more passion from you”. Katherine is a princess from a very rich family growing up with full of love and care. She doesn’t know that love can be so different in this peaceful way. Akira is from a poor family and his parents died when he was young. He was raised up by his grandmother who also died before he went to university so in his mind, he believes life is hard. The best way to face life is keeping calm, quiet, low profile, studying hard and working hard. After living very long time with his grandmother, he also inherited the kind personality from his grandmother.

After Katherine went to the airport, Akira works in the milk factor with a sad and guilty mood. Due to he failed to say “I love you” to Katherine before she went to airport, because her mother and Karolina were there to make him shy to say it.

In the flight, Katherine is also in a sad mood because even before she departed to the airport, Akira still didn’t say “I love you” to her. “He is really like a stupid wooden man” Katherine thinks it in her mind with an angry and sweet missing mood. With Karolina’s company, and the delicious meal in the business class, Katherine forgets the bad mood gradually.


In the evening, they arrive Sydney airport. Karolina’s boyfriend Arjan is waiting at the arrival hall exit already. Arjan is a mathematic genius. He is studying in the Sydney university. He is very smart but sometimes over active and a bit naughty. He will drive with them to Brisbane the city where Karolina lives then they will go to the very famous Gold Coast.

The first night, they stay at a hotel near the Sydney opera house. This is the first time Katherine staying so far away from Akira after they are together. Looking at the beautiful lights of the white Sydney opera house, Katherine misses Akira very much. When her mother is taking a shower, Katherine decides to call Akira without letting her mother know even the international call from hotel is very expensive.

It’s 11 o’clock already. Due the heavy works in the day and a bad mood of missing Katherine, Akira went to sleep very early. The phone keeps ringing but Akira doesn’t hear it. Katherine calls many times, but Akira still doesn’t answer the phone. During the last call made by Katherine, Akira hears something from the dream, he wakes up and runs to the phone, but the Katherine hangs up the phone already. Akira knows it must be Katherine. He holds the phone says: “My love, I miss you very much”  on the other side at Sydney hotel, Katherine’s mother finishes her shower already and she asks Katherine to take a shower and go to bed soon because the next day they need to wake up very early for the long trip to Brisbane. Katherine feels very frustrated of not reaching Akira by phone. During the shower, she cries in the bathroom, and regrets to come to Australia. Akira also can’t fall asleep anymore, because he knows Katherine must be missing him very much from Australia. He blames himself very much and feels very guilty for missing the call from Katherine. That night is a very hard time for them, both of them didn’t fall asleep till the sunrise. Before they leave each other, they don’t know they love each other so much and rely on each other so much. This winter vacation will be very hard for Akira.

The next day Katherine and her mother wake up very early, after having breakfast ,Arjan drive them and Karolina to visit the Sydney opera house. The design of the white opera house is very special and very beautiful. Since last night Katherine couldn’t reach Akira by phone, she decides to write Akira postcard every day. So she asks Karolina taking her to buy some postcards then she can write it to Akira when they arrive hotel tonight. Because the distance is very long from Sydney to Brisbane, they plan to take 3 days to drive there and visit the beautiful cities along the coastline. The sea of Australia is very blue and beautiful. Then sky is also very blue. White clouds are flying in the blue sky also reflecting onto the clear blue sea. Looking at the blue scenery, Katherine can’t t stop herself to miss Akira. She asks her mother to take many beautiful photos for Akira because she can’t see the scenery in the longer distance. She can only listen to Karolina’s explanation to understand how beautiful the scenery is but she satisfies already. She clearly knows this is maybe the last time for her to travel abroad and to see so beautiful scenery before she becomes blind. She feels happy but she has a very complicated mood mixing with happiness and sadness and the feeling of missing Akira.


In the evening at the hotel before going to bed, Katherine sitting before the table with her thick and heavy classes trying to choose the most beautiful postcard to write Akira. The best one she choose is the white Sydney opera house.

“My love A, 

 Last night I missed you so much. I called you when my mother was taking a shower but it’s very sad that you didn’t answer the phone. During the day, we are driving on the way, it’s impossible to call you, so I decided to write you a postcard every day until I come back to Taiwan. Australia is very beautiful. Today we visit the Sydney white opera house. It’s a very special building but I can’t see it clearly. I only can feel it’s white building like a special cake. How I wish you could be here with me, because you are my eyes, with you I can see everything. I miss you.

Your love K. “.

After finishing the postcard, Katherine hides in the quilt crying until falling asleep.

(To be continued)


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